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Homework Ethical Dilemma

Homework Ethical Dilemma

Q Situation 2 You are a legislator who believes absolutely and strongly that abortion is a sin. You have polled your constituents and are surprised to find that the majority do not believe that the government should legislate the private decision of a woman to have an abortion. Should you vote your conscience or the will of the majority of your constituents? Complete one of the Ethical Dilemma Situations beginning on page 245 of your text, and click Ethical Dilemma Instructions (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for instructions on how to solve this dilemma. You may choose to write about any one of the Ethical Dilemmas that interests you. Don't forget to submit your assignment.

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The situation here is chosen is the situation 2. Ethical Judgment: I believe that abortion is a sin as the murder of fetus should be considered as sin. However, this is completely my own belief. I cannot force my feelings and belief on the constituents. According to them, it is the life of the women and the women should decide whether to abort the fetus or to have the baby. There should not be any kind of involvement of the court. From this situation I have faced the ethical dilemma.